Anna is a very deticated quilter. This is very surprising to her family! All year she secretly collects fabric scraps and stores them under her matress. Then one day she just randomly decides that she wants to construct a quilt. She goes up to her bed and arranges the patches until she is satisfied. She hates to ask for help because she doesn't want to tell people that she made the quilt. So when Kirsten makes quilts she obverves everything she does (Pretending she is glaring at the quilt because she doesn't like to sew, of course). Her favorite quilt she has ever made is named "Dottie" because it has green fabric with yellow dots on them.
Anna doesn't like to sew anything besides quilts so it is rare that she makes one. Once she sews the front she gets lazy so after a few months it is still not done. One of the reasons for that is because she lost her thread......