
Kirsten: Sept. 30, 2010

Hey, hey! So it's almost eleven over here in Merryville. It's a beautiful night and the stars are out. Getting a bit chilly though, Here's the thing. I can't sleep. Kit sleeps with me and it is so comfy and warm, but Kit is gone taking Caddie to "how to be a grandma" school. I need to think of chores for everyone. Roan has hers down. She sneaks out in the mornings though doing who knows what? Then she comes back and is stuck with hard jobs like mucking the stables. I burnt scalloped potatos for dinner today. Oops! I burnt them...

Kit: September 28, 2010

Hi so there is this new girl named Rythmie and she looks just like Mia! We are doing a ballet it is so fun. I am the main person. I have to do my chores now!

Roan: September 20, 2010

Hi this is Joan Emma Larson or Roan. Today for my school I had to do multiplication, read a chapter of the Wizard of Oz, do my spelling, do a little bit of yoga, do my chores. Like this:
1. Pray
2. Make Breakfast.
3. let the dogs out.
4. Feed my dog

5. Bathe-brush teeth
6. Work with my horse.
7. Feed my Horse
8. Harvest food
9. Work Produce Stand
10. Write back to mail

The last one I never do cause I never get mail. OWW! By the way I only do school once a week YAY. After work I talk to mis or spy on Spoody and Anna. I like to ride horses with the Indian. Kaya likes to listen to my talk and is trying to learn to speak English and I am learning to talk like indians. Well, good day for now.


Spoody: September 17, 2010

It's your friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spoody Jan Larson
I may spell some stuff wrong, but am happy to be the first to write. It was rainy today. Anna& roan, me played in it! Caddie got mad e and taked away me cat, annaz cat, roan's hat. I made some of the best cookies evar. At dinnair I spild grap juce on Caddie. She dood the worst thinge evar. she took away Spoody's flowers. So I think I will
  do! Spoody's cookies. Yumm yumm yumm good for partys crunch crunch mummmmm
Well I haft to feed my dog Keira.
Kitty Kat