The Henderson's

Izzabella (Bella) Henderson (9):
Bella Henderson is the town's nuisance as well as one of the top people most discussed in the gossip column of Merryville "ladies". Bella's nazely voice tends to annoy people as well but the thing is, she doesn't notice that no one likes her. She hops around without a care in the world. Her dad seems to do everything he can to keep her happy so they have a pretty wacky life.

Hound Henderson:

Hound Henderson. What to say about him....this guy is crazy! He constantly sneaks behind buildings, hides in peoples house and does somersalts across town square. Apparently this is because he wants to be the best police officer he can be. To everyone he is just known as "Officer Hound". Hound takes Bella out to eat at the Cafe for every single meal and they don't have as much as a plate in their apartment. Hound throws people into jail if they do but one thing wrong. As well as being officer he fixes up anything broken and inspects peoples houses every week to make sure all is in order. He is a crucial resident to Merryville, despite his wierdness.