Please note, we were only eleven and twelve so this story is not yet that experienced. But we did work hard and we love to laugh at it now because it is so silly and random! :D
Photo Story 2009 by Malorie and Hallie
"Welcome! Welcome everyone!" Mia and Mara yell at the beginning of their outdoor garden party.
"MIA! Hi Mia! Hello!" Marly calls over to Mia.
"Alright everyone!" Mara yells. "I am going to hand out a scavenger list and whoever finds it all first wins!"
Marly and Rosy (Then five years old) make their list into a paper airplane.
"Sail away! Be FREEEEEEE!" Rosy yells. Then they lay down and have a huge grass fight.
"Do you think maybe we should--"
"--not to the scavenger hunt?" Bella starts and Sam finishes for her.
"Yes! Let's not. I love this outfit and don't want it to get dirty."
"I understand!" Sam reassures her.
Kit and Mia aren't finding everything they need at first.
They walk far off and Kit searches the ground for a "bluish colored rock".
After a while they finally found a bluish rock and were so excited that they shouted with joy! But alas, they could not figure out how to get back to the other girls.
"Someone has probably already beat us." Kit says sadly.
"We are lost!" Mia says sorrowfully. They don't even have shoes because they had gone barefeet.
Finally they saw the girls and made it back. Everyone else was still looking around so they assumed that no one else has finished.
"WE WON!" They shouted with glee.
They spent the rest of the day celebrating and having a good tiem.
"Good job Mia, good job Kit!" Everyone said.