Maxwell Updates
July 8, 2010
Yesterday in the evening when Candice was at dancing class, Charisma was freaking out because she couldn't find her copy of the Pleasantville Lady  anywhere in her whole room!
"How could this even happen? I'm like, the most organized person in all of Merryville!" Finally she learned that Kayla had seen it in her room and thought it belonged to Merryville's public library. Great, another reason for Charisma to be a bit mad at Kayla!

July 3, 2010
Today Kayla came out of the woods to visit the people of Merryville. She likes a lot of them especially Mia. But she doesn't like Charisma all that much. They are complete opposites!
Kayla's favorite color is blue and Charisma's is, you guessed it, pink (despite it being out of fashion, according to the Pleasantville Lady). Kayla loves reading and Charisma loves trying on clothes. Either way, they are cousins....They went to the new resaurant in Merryville and talked together.